About of HCG LEVEL

Pregancy Tests: Reviews, Best Pregnancy Tests, Home Pregnancy Tests
Identifies which products reviewers like and dislike, where they agree or disagree,
and why.

  • Plus, reviews say that First Response even detected hCG levels as low as 6.3 and 6.5 mIU, soon after implantation -- even before a missed period

  • That way, the test will only pick up an increase in hCG associated with a pregnancy, not the low 'background' level

  • We also examined listings of detected hCG levels among home pregnancy tests at FertilityPlus.org, Mommy Guide.com and Baby Hopes.com, none of which perform their own testing

    Ectopic Pregnancy : American Pregnancy Association
    Article covering causes, symptoms and treatment of ectopic or tubal pregnancy
    along with information on a wide array of other pregnancy complications from the ...

  • An hCG level that is lower than what would be expected is one reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy

  • Low levels of progesterone may also indicate that a pregnancy is abnormal

  • What about my future? Your hCG level will need to be rechecked on a regular basis until it reaches zero if you did not have your entire fallopian tube removed

  • An hCG level that remains high could indicate that the ectopic tissue was not entirely removed, which would require surgery or medical management with methotrexate

    Blighted Ovum : American Pregnancy Association
    Provides insight into causes, symptoms, and discusses having a D&C or not; offers
    a toll-free education support line.

  • A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a woman’s body to naturally miscarry

    Leading Article
    Ultrasound image examples and an explanation of this diagnosis.

  • This is not a true period and probably represents withdrawal bleeding secondary to inadequate ovarian steroid levels

  • If the level is above the discriminatory zone appropriate to the type of ultrasound used, then laparoscopy is indicated

  • If the hCG level is below the discriminatory zone, a repeat test should be performed not less than 48 h later to determine whether the levels are rising, falling or show no change

  • If hCG levels increase by less than 66% over 48 h (equivalent to a doubling time of 2.7 days), then laparoscopy should be performed in clinically stable women with suspected ectopic pregnancy and in women in whom ultrasound examination is unhelpful

  • "Contrary to popular belief, falling hCG levels are not synonymous with spontaneous abortion" A woman presenting with bleeding prior to 6 weeks' gestation may cause a diagnostic dilemma

  • Thus, contrary to popular belief, falling hCG levels are not synonymous with spontaneous abortion

  • A plateau in hCG levels, defined as an hCG doubling time of 7 days or more, is also highly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy

  • Biochemical tests such as hCG are not usually helpful, as levels are often in the normal range

  • info: HCG LEVEL

    Photo by halloranconsultinggroup.com

    eMedicine - Hydatidiform Mole : Article by Lisa E Moore, MD
    Provides an in-depth discussion of the condition including statistics, symptoms,
    diagnosis and treatment issues. Aimed at the professional level.

  • This is due to extremely elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels

  • These cysts develop in response to high levels of beta-HCG and spontaneously regress after the mole is evacuated

  • Patient Education Lab Studies: Quantitative beta-HCG: HCG levels greater than 100, 000 mIU/mL indicate exuberant trophoblastic growth and raise suspicion that a molar pregnancy should be excluded

  • A molar pregnancy may have a normal HCG level

  • Further Outpatient Care: Serial quantitative beta-HCG levels should be determined

  • Draw the first level 48 hours after evacuation and then every 2 weeks until the levels are within reference ranges

  • Levels should consistently drop and should never increase

  • Once levels have reached reference ranges, check them each month for a year

  • Any rise in levels should prompt a chest radiograph and pelvic examination to facilitate early detection of metastases

  • Clinical factors that have been associated with risk of malignant disease are advanced maternal age, high levels of HCG (>100, 000 mIU/mL), eclampsia, hyperthyroidism, and bilateral theca lutein cysts

  • If a pregnancy occurs, the elevation in beta-HCG levels cannot be differentiated from the disease process

    eMedicine - Germ Cell Tumors : Article by Mansoor Javeed, MD, FACP
    Article by Mansoor Javeed, MD. provides description of disease, background,
    transformation, history, causes, treatment, and medication information.

  • Obtaining levels of AFP, beta-HCG, and LDH in patients in whom GCTs are suspected is mandatory prior to treatment, as is monitoring these levels during and after treatment

  • In patients with pure seminoma, increased AFP levels indicate an undetected nonseminomatous tumor component

  • Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin Increased levels of beta-HCG can be found in either seminoma or nonseminoma

  • Patients with high levels of beta-HCG may experience nipple tenderness or gynecomastia

  • Increased levels reflect tumor burden, growth rate, and cellular proliferation

  • Increased LDH levels are found in about 60% of patients with advanced NSGCT and 80% of those with advanced seminoma

  • A physical examination, chest radiograph, and determinations of AFP, LDH, and beta-HCG levels are required at monthly intervals in the first year, every other month for the second year, every 3 months in the third year, and less frequently thereafter

  • Postchemotherapy resection is performed on patients with persistent radiographic abnormality and normal serum tumor marker levels 4-6 weeks following chemotherapy

  • Adult Dose Test dose (optional): 1-2 U IV/IM prior to full dose 30 U IV bolus every wk on days 2, 9, and 16; repeat q21d for 4 cycles; modify dose based on CrCl CrCl 20-30 mL/min: 50% of normal dose CrCl Pediatric Dose Not established Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; significant renal function impairment; compromised pulmonary function Interactions May decrease plasma levels of digoxin and phenytoin; cisplatin may increase toxicity Pregnancy D - Unsafe in pregnancy Precautions Caution in renal impairment; possibly secreted in breast milk; may cause mutagenesis and pulmonary toxicity (10%); idiosyncratic reactions similar to anaphylaxis (1%) may occur; monitor for adverse effects during and after treatment; erythema, rash, vesiculations, hyperpigmentation, stomatitis, alopecia, and nail changes may occur Drug Name Ifosfamide (Ifex) -- Alkylating agent activated in liver to phosphoramide mustard and acrolein

    The TCRC Lance Armstrong Page
    A 1997 interview with Armstrong on the pages of the Testicular Cancer Resource
    Center. The cyclist talks about his fight with the disease.

  • Did you have any idea that you were as serious a case as it turned out to be? No idea...I just thought that...well I thought: 'Oh my God I'm gonna die!' and I didn't even know how bad it was...then my neighbor who is a urologist came over and told me that this cancer had a really high cure rate and yada-yada-ya...but I still didn't know it was that bad in my lungs...I didn't know anything about AFP levels, HCG levels (blood tests) or anything about what was in my brain...I didn't know anything, and I still was scared! Had I known all that I probably would've been petrified...it kind of worked out better that I got the bad news gradually...it would've been really rough for them to have said you've got cancer here, here, here and here, your levels are off the board, and your chances are less than 50%...I would've had a really hard time handling that

  • As long as it's less than a centimeter in diameter and as long as my HCG level stays normal, then they won't (do anything)...so I just kind of hang by these HCG tests every month

  • (TCRC note: Human Chorionic Gonodotropin (HCG) tests are important because elevation of these levels occurs in patients with active choriocarcinoma tumors--if the cancer is cured or in remission, the levels will be near zero.) What were some of the toughest parts of having TC for you, mentally and physically? Day One was obviously one of the toughest days...the day with MD Anderson was really hard, it was harsh, but in a way very honest--we did not know my case was that serious

    The Testicular Cancer Resource Center Dictionary
    A practical resource.

  • The level rises when the cancer is growing and falls when the cancer is shrinking or has been surgically removed, so a blood test can possibly measure the progress of the disease and success of treatment

  • Elevated levels of AFP occur in 75 per cent of patients with, and

  • (However, increased levels of AFP are also found in patients with liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, acute and chronic hepatitis and hepatic necrosis

  • ) The serum of AFP is 5 to 7 days, which implies that elevated levels of AFP should fall by one half of the initial level per week and should probably return to normal within 25 to 35 days after surgery if all of the tumor has been removed

  • The higher the level, though, the longer it will take to return to normal

  • Also note that a very small number of people have a naturally high level of this protein in their blood (though less than 25) even though they do not have cancer

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), beta subunit - In adults, significant elevation of levels of beta HCG occurs only during pregnancy and in patients with trophoblastic neoplasms or nonseminomatous germ cell tumors

  • Essentially, 100 per cent of patients with trophoblastic tumors and 40-60 per cent of patients with including all patients with, 80% of patients with, and 10-25% of patients with pure are diagnosed with elevated levels of beta HCG

  • Benefits

    Photo by lvo.wr.usgs.gov

    Q&A Tubal Reversal by Gary S. Berger, MD
    Article describes how fertility can be restored through tubal ligation reversal
    in a one hour outpatient operation.

    Information and tests and treatment options for women without menstrual periods.

  • Any history of galactorrhea (milky discharge from the breasts) is important and indicates the need for a prolactin hormone level to rule out hyperprolactinemia

  • A reasonable approach to this patient would be an hCG level to rule out pregnancy, an FSH level to demonstrate the presence or absence of ovarian function, and then a hysterosalpingogram or hysteroscopy if these first 2 tests are normal

  • In the approach described here, the first tests to perform after pregnancy is ruled out are a progesterone withdrawal test as well as a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and prolactin level

  • Withdrawal bleeding will usually be seen if the patient's estradiol level is 40 pg/ml or more

  • If no withdrawal bleeding occurs, either the patient has very low estrogen levels or there is a problem with the outflow tract such as uterine synechiae (adhesions) or cervical stenosis (scarring)

  • Women with withdrawal bleeding We will first consider the diagnostic evaluation of the woman with withdrawal bleeding and normal prolactin and TSH levels

  • Some experts believe that an LH and FSH level may be helpful at this point

  • Testosterone and DHEAS levels may be useful in women with PCO, especially in the presence of hirsutism or other signs of hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones)

    BocaFertility IVF Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
    Infertility clinic in Boca Raton, offering IVF, treatment of endometriosis,
    reversal of tubal ligation, and procedures for male infertility.

  • Male factor, IUI, In vitro fertilization (IVF), ICSI Boca Fertility provides state of the art complete infertility evaluation and treatment including Male factor, semen analysis, intrauterine inseminations, female factors; tubal infertility, HSG, tubal X rays, ovulation disorders, progesterone level, endometrial biopsy, pelvic adhesions, endometriosis, laparoscopy, uterine fibroids, unexplained infertility, IVF, in vitro fertilization, ovulation induction, super ovulation Therapy recommended will depend on your diagnosis; Ovulation disorders, Clomid, Serophene, injectable hormones, Gonal F, Follistim, HCG, Bravelle, follicle ultrasound

  • Responsible for 20 percent of infertility conditions, polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, treatment, Clomid, Serophene, Metformin, gonadotropin therapy, superovulation, hormone injections, HCG, progesterone treatment, miscarriages, infertility, IVF, hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple pregnancies, prolactin and ovulation, thyroid disease, Synthroid, TSH level, poor egg quality, advanced maternal age, FSH, IVF, donor egg IVF

  • Definition, anovulation, obesity, hirsutism, insulin resistance, ovarian cysts, facial hair, increased testosterone, infertility and PCOS, abnormal bleeding, endometrial cancer and PCOS, insulin level, fasting blood sugar, diabetes, diagnosis, ultrasound findings, FSH, LH, estradiol, testosterone, DHEAS, treatment, Clomid, Serophene, Gonal F, Follistim, ovulation induction, IVF, ovarian drilling

    Fertility Clinics: Treatments for Infertile Couples (TCART).
    Full service fertility centre.


    Oral hCG (Human Choriogonadotropin) for the management of obesity
    A discussion about oral administration of Human Choriogonadotropin significantly
    decreases subcutaneous fat in dieting obese patients. Find research results.

  • The following areas were measured with a metric tape measure: Wrist Chest Waist Abdominal region (at the level of the navel) Hips (maximum circumference) Thighs (8 cm

  • According to our preliminary study, hCG oral administration decreases the amount of body fat from certain body regions to a statistically significant level

  • Subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction could be accomplished by lipogenesis inhibition at the level of the fat cell membrane

  • Since hCG contains IR beta-endorphin, we hypothesize that the improvement in our volunteers' daily mood might be related to ß-endorphinergic activity at hypothalamic level

  • According to previous studies, subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction could be accomplished by an inhibition of lipogenesis at the level of the adipocyte membrane

    Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors
    Malignant cells grow in the uterus in the tissues that are formed following conception.

  • A will also be done to look for high levels of a called (beta human chorionic gonadotropin) which is present during normal pregnancy

  • The level of in the is low

  • The level of in the is high

  • Following surgery, the doctor will follow the patient closely with regular to make sure the level of in the falls to normal levels

  • If the blood level of beta-HCG increases or does not go down to normal, more tests will be done to see whether the has spread

    Affordable Pregnancy Tests and Ovulation Predictor Kits
    Pregnancy and ovulation tests for home and professional use.

  • Accurate detection of hCG in a pregnant woman can occur as early as 6 days after conception once the level of hCG has reached 5-50 mIU/mL

  • A woman's LH level is greatest right before ovulation

    Ovidrel Online, Description, Chemistry, Ingredients, Blackbox ...
    Full prescribing information from RxList.

  • This yields a with a high level of and consistent characteristics including glycoforms and activity

    Endotext.com - Endocrinology of Pregnancy, Thyroid Disease During ...
    Ontogenesis of fetal thyroid function, maternal contribution, placental transfer
    of hormone, amniotic fluid, and detection of fetal thyroid dysfunction.

  • TSH levels fall predictably during the first trimester, mirroring, in a reciprocal fashion, the concomitant rise in hCG (Fig 1)

  • Inner ring deiodination of T 4 by type I deiodinase produces reverse T 3 (r T 3 ), and these levels may be elevated in pregnancy in proportion to the increase in serum T 4

  • The increase in TBG concentration is a direct effect of increased estrogen levels during gestation

  • The level of thyroid hormone - particularly pituitary T 3 - at which TSH secretion is inhibited, is determined by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), a tripeptide, L-pyroglutamyl-L-histidyl-L-proline-amide

  • TRH has been shown to cross the placenta and stimulate the fetal pituitary in animal studies.60 TRH activity was found in the human placenta, and lower levels of TRH61 degrading activity were found in both cord and maternal sera, compared with sera from euthyroid nonpregnant adults

    Pregnancy FAQ
    Interactive question and answer forum on pregnancy.

    Horry County Government
    Official site. Offers links to employment, elected official and departmental
    e-mail addresses, county ordinances, and voting precincts.

    Testicular Cancer - May 1, 1999 - American Academy of Family ...
    Journal article from the American Family Physician.

  • The half-life of HCG is 24 to 36 hours, and levels should return to normal within five to eight days after the tumor is eliminated

  • A histologically reported pure seminoma in a patient with an elevated AFP level should be treated as a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor

  • The half-life of AFP is five to seven days, and the level should return to normal within 25 to 35 days of tumor removal

  • Levels of LDH-1 are particularly likely to be elevated

  • The absence of elevated levels of HCG, AFP and LDH in a patient with a testicular mass does not rule out the presence of a tumor

  • Likewise, normal levels after treatment for a germ cell tumor do not rule out the presence of residual tumor


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