Falun Gong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Article in Wikipedia. Contains information about origins and beliefs, morality,
and the current situation.

  • Falun Gong , (: ; : 法轮功; : Fǎlún Gōng; literally 'Practice of the Wheel of Law') also known as Falun Dafa , (: 法輪大法; : 法轮大法; : Fǎlún dàfǎ; lit

  • Falun Gong refers to five sets of meditation exercises (four standing, and one sitting meditation) and spiritual teachings

  • Falun Gong has been the focus of international controversy since the government of the People's Republic of China began a nationwide suppression of Falun Gong on, 1999

  • The Falun Gong claims the ban was a result of President of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin’s personal jealousy of the group’s popularity

  • The suppression of Falun Gong is considered a human rights violation mainly by western human rights groups and politicians

  • The exact number of Falun Gong practitioners is not known

  • A main Falun Gong website states a figure of 100 million practitioners worldwide, including 70 million in China

  • Contents Origins Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) was introduced to the public by Li Hongzhi on, in,

  • According to Li, Falun Gong is an advanced cultivation system in the 'Buddha School' which, in the past, was handed down to chosen disciples and served as an intensive cultivation method that required practitioners with extremely high “Xinxing” (mind-nature; heart-nature; character) or “great inborn quality.” Li taught the practice for three years and since then Falun Gong has also been promoted by practitioners themselves voluntarily

    Falun Dafa Information Center
    Comprehensive monitoring of the situation regarding Falun Dafa in China.

  • SEARCH: • • • • • Top Story • • • • • • • • • • • Whose interest is served by attacking reports of widespread organ harvesting and killing of Falun Gong practitioners? Harry Wu, head of the China Information Centre, has made a number of statements attacking and undermining reports that Falun Gong practitioners have been targeted for organ harvesting by the Chinese authorities

  • He has actively approached the media and members of US Congress to persuade them the allegations are fraudulent and has even accused Falun Gong practitioners of fabricating the story...Falun Dafa Information Center feels it is time to respond to Mr

  • • A legal complaint filed in Boston charges directors of organ transplant centers in China with overseeing forced removal of body parts such as hearts, livers, and kidneys from living bodies of imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners

  • • Canadian Falun Gong practitioners won an important court motion on Monday which clears the way for judgment on the merits of an historic $20 million civil lawsuit against the former head of China, Jiang Zemin, and four other officials for torture

    Falun Gong - Slovenská verzia
    Slovenské stránky o tejto starodávnej čínskej metóde, slúžiacej na zušľachťovanie
    mysle, tela a ducha. Nájdete tu popis cvičení, môžete si zdarma stiahnuť ...

  • augusta sa v po¾skej Varšave zhromaždilo nieko¾ko desiatok nasledovníkov Falun Gongu, aby pokojnými apelmi a sprievodom upozornili na prenasledovanie Falun Gongu v Èíne

  • Akcia sa zaèala už v skorých ranných hodinách v centre mesta a tak mnoho ¾udí cestou do práce dostalo informaèné materiály o Falun Gongu a dozvedeli sa o jeho prenasledovaní v Èíne

  • Dátum 12-08-2006 , Ostatné èlánky zo všetkých oblastí V posledných nieko¾kých mesiacoch praktizujúci Falun Gongu na Slovensku rôznym spôsobom oslovovali predstavite¾ov miest s informáciami o existencii koncentraèných táborov v Èíne

  • Dátum 30-07-2006 , Poslanec EP Edward McMillan-Scott : ...Pri príležitosti siedmeho výroèia zaèiatku prenasledovania èínskou vládou praktizujúcich Falun Gongu v Èíne máme dostatok nepriamych dôkazov, aby sme upozornili medzinárodné spoloèenstvo na to, èo sa rovná genocíde

  • Keï som bol v Pekingu, stretol som sa s bývalým èínskym väzòom, pánom Cchao Tungom, praktizujúcim Falun Gongu, ktorý videl màtvolu svojho najlepšieho priate¾a s dierami po orgánoch, ktoré mu boli vybraté

  • Vyšetrovatelia z Austrálie, Európy a Spojených štátov teda požiadali o víza na Èínskych ambasádach alebo konzulátoch v mieste svojho pobytu, aby mohli vstúpi do Èíny a vyšetri prenasledovanie Falun Gongu

    Falun Dafa & Falun Gong
    Falun Dafa and Falun Gong: what they are and why the Chinese government is
    terrified of them.

  • About this site Specific religions About all religions Spirituality/ethics Conflict & peace "Hot" topics Laws and news MENU: FALUN GONG & FALUN DAFA Click below to visit our sponsors

  • What it is, what it does, and why the Chinese government is so terrified of it Overview: Falun Dafa is a largely spiritual movement that incorporates: principles, principles, Qigong: body, mind and physical exercise, and Healing techniques

  • Sponsored links: Amazon.com's online bookstore lists the following books on the Falun Gong: If you see a generic Amazon ad here, please click on your browser's refresh key

  • Related essay and menu on this web site: Reference used: Barend ter Haar, " Falun Gong: Evaluation and further references , " at: Site navigation: > > here Copyright © 1999 to 2005 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance Originally written: 1999-NOV-26 Latest update: 2005-SEP-26 Author: B.A

  • info: FALUN GONG

    Photo by www.swastika-info.com

    Falun Gong- Friends of Falun Gong USA
    US-based non-profit organization of individuals who firmly support and advocate
    for freedom of belief and other human rights.

  • Criminal Complaint Charges Chinese Surgeons with Complicity in Organ Removal (Sarah Cook/ Epoch Times staff) Jul 26, 2006 | toll-free 1-866-343-7436 or 1-866-FG-FRIEND © Copyright 2004, Friends of Falun Gong USA | 24 W

    Falun Dafa Clearwisdom.net
    Contains daily articles that provide insights into Falun Dafa cultivation practice,
    expose the harsh persecution in China, and report the news of Dafa ...

    Falun Dafa Benelux
    Informatie over activiteiten, achtergrond en oefeningen.

    Falun Dafa UK - Falun Dafa UK
    United kingdom specific information as well as general Falun Dafa materials and

  • | Search: Bring Jiang to Justice! to Support the Complaint of Falun Gong Practitioners Against Jiang Zemin, Former Chinese Communist Party Leader, for Crimes of Torture and Genocide What is Falun Gong? Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) - an ancient practice for mind and body

  • A central component of Falun Gong practice is conforming to the greatest extend to the universal principles of Truthfulness Benevolence Tolerance

  • Welcome to the Falun Dafa UK web site Falun Gong , also known as Falun Dafa is an ancient practice for refining the body and mind, moral and spiritual elevation in accordance with the universal principles of Truthfulness , Compassion and Forbearance ; includes qigong exercises and meditation

  • Read more about Falun Gong in and .In July 1999 Chinese government banned Falun Gong, presuming that very large number of followers could pose a threat to their ruling power, and started

  • (Acrobat format, various languages) | Criminal Complaint in Boston Accuses Chinese Delegates to Transplant Conference of Complicity in Torture -- Friday 28 July 2006 Two Chinese doctors accused of partaking in systematic removal of organs from Falun Gong practitioners BOSTON (Falun Dafa Information Center) – A legal complaint filed in Boston charges directors of organ transplant centers in China with overseeing forced removal of body parts such as hearts, livers, and kidneys from living bodies of imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners

  • Benefits

    Photo by www.phoenix.edu.hk

    Foreningen for Falun Gong i Danmark
    Falun Dafa er en kinesisk qigongform, der fremmer helsen og spirituel indsigt.

  • | Om Falun Dafa NY! Propaganda: Links flgjustice.org Velkommen til falundafa.dk, en hjemmeside designet og varetaget udelukkende af Falun Gong-udøvere

  • Indholdet på siden - undtagen grundlæggerens lære - repræsenterer Falun Gong-udøveres ideer og mening, og skal ikke tages som repræsenterende Falun Dafa selv

  • Vi håber blot at kunne introducere denne vidunderlige udøvelse, og håber at De vil tage Dem tid til selv at udforske det! Falun Dafa, også kendt som Falun Gong, er en udøvelse der har bragt et bedre helbred og indre ro til millioner rundt om i verden

  • Hovedprincipperne bag Falun Dafa forklares i sin helhed i bogen Zhuan Falun , og i begynderbogen Falun Gong skrevet af Falun Dafa's grundlægger

    Falun Dafa Sweden
    Introduktion till Falun Gong, övningar och svar på vanliga frågor.

  • Välkommen till FalunDafa.org, en hemsida som helt har utformats av och uppdateras av Falun Gong-utövare

  • Vi hoppas att du kommer att tycka att den här Web-sidan är en bra plats att lära känna utövningen av Falun Gong

  • Allt innehåll på denna sida - förutom grundarens skrifter - utgörs av Falun Gong-utövares åsikter och uppfattningar, och skall inte anses representera Falun Gong

  • Vår förhoppning är bara att få introducera den här underbara metoden till dig, och vi hoppas att du tar dig lite tid att själv undersöka den! Falun Gong, även kallad Falun Dafa, är en metod som har gett miljoner människor bättre hälsa och en inre frid

  • Huvudprinciperna i Falun Dafa förklaras i sin helhet i boken Zhuan Falun och i introduktionsboken Falun Gong, båda skrivna av, grundaren av Falun Dafa

  • Den existerar huvudsakligen för att berätta sanningen om Falun Gong, dela insikter och information om Falun Gong samt berätta sanningen om förföljelsen i Kina

    CESNUR - Falun Gong Updates, January-December 2000
    Documents, scholarly articles, updates on Falun Gong and related controversies
    in China.

  • What Is Falun Gong? See "", by Massimo Introvigne (in italiano), di Massimo Introvigne October 30, 1999 - November 1, 1999 A Note by Massimo Introvigne (March 20, 2000) (Reuters, December 27, 2000) (The Associated Press, December 27, 2000) (Kyodo News Service, December 26, 2000) by Benjamin Kang Lim (Reuters, December 24, 2000) by Angus Chuang (Reuters, December 23, 2000) (AP, December 21, 2000) (Zhong Gong) (Reuters, December 20, 2000) (Kyodo News Service, December 20, 2000) (Kyodo News Service, December 18, 2000) (Bloomberg, December 14, 2000) by Matt Pottinger (Reuters, December 14, 2000) (Reuters, December 14, 2000) (Kyodo News Service, December 14, 2000) by Christopher Bodeen (AP, December 13, 2000) by Philip P

  • Abdeljabbar ("Jersey Journal", September 6, 2000) (Associated Press, September 2, 2000) (Zhong Gong)(Reuters, September 1, 2000) (AFP, August 29, 2000) by Elsa C

  • Greenberg ("New York Times Magazine", August 8, 1999) ("Time Magazine Asia", May 10, 1999) Falun Gong's Own Web Site: Anti-Falun Gong Web Site, by the Chinese Government (with articles from the Communist Party press): Sinological Institute, University of Heidelberg, CESNUR reproduces or quotes documents from the media and different sources on a number of religious issues

    Der Falun-Gong-Kult: Mehr Politik als Meditation
    Kritische Betrachtung der Bewegung, der Berichterstattung über ihre Aktivitäten
    und ihren Gründer Li Hongzhi.

  • www.AGPF.de Infos über Sekten, Kulte und den Psychomarkt AGPF - Aktion für Geistige und Psychische Freiheit Bundesverband Sekten- und Psychomarktberatung e.V., Bonn Adresse dieser Seite: http://www.AGPF.de/Falun.htm Z uletzt bearbeitet am 11.8.2006 | Der Falun-Gong-Kult Falun Gong, Falun Dafa und Li Hongzhi: Mehr Politik als Meditation Der Falun-Kult fordert die chinesische Regierung heraus

  • Hat der Falun-Kult unter dem Deckmantel von Spiritualität ein weltweites Netzwerk von Unterstützern aufgezogen? Dienen provozierte Menschenrechtsverletzungen als Schutzschild? Neu: Neu: Neu: Rechts: Das 'Falun', entnommen einer der Websites der Falun Gong

  • Mär 2001 MATERIALDIENST DER EZW 1/2000 Ulrich Dehn: Falun Gong - eine neue Dimension unter den Ki-Bewegungen? Zur Chronik der Ereignisse

  • Heft bestellen über: Die chinesiche Botschaft in Deutschland: bis (ohne Links zwischen den Seiten) Die Websites der Falun Gong in Deutschland: 'D ie in China verfolgte Falun Gong-Bewegung versucht, die Medien zu manipulieren

  • Mit welchem politischen Ziel? Unklar ist, ob diese politischen Ziele bereits bestanden, bevor Falun Gong in China 1999 verboten wurde


    CNN.com: Falun Gong
    Background features and news reports on the movement and the Chinese government's
    campaign against it.

  • The Web CNN.com | Archive: Falun Gong says its philosophies and slow-motion meditation exercises aim to promote good health and moral living

  • While Beijing has arrested and imprisoned hundreds of Falun Gong members since the movement was outlawed in 1999, followers continue to protest around the world and in Hong Kong where the sect is still a legally registered society

  • The debate surrounding Falun Gong's status as a harmless organization or evil cult continues with the Chinese government remaining implacable

    NETZEITUNG AUSLAND: Falun Gong: Sekte oder Lehre?
    Special der Netzeitung zum Thema. Kritische Betrachtung der Lehre, der Anhänger
    und Zitate von Sektenexperten.

  • | Falun Gong: Sekte oder Lehre? 31

  • Mär 2001 07:30 Ihre Zahl kennt niemand - Falun Gong-Anhänger gibt es inzwischen auf der ganzen Welt

  • Die «Praktizierenden» «Falun Gong hat mein Leben verändert«, sagen die Anhänger

  • Die Gegner In China werden Anhänger von Falun Gong seit Jahren verfolgt

  • Die Sekten-Experten Kein Kult ist in den vergangenen Jahren so schnell gewachsen wie Falun Gong

    At Tinanmen Square with Falun Gong
    Ron Gluckman reports from Tiananmen Square on the crackdown of China's Falun Gong.

  • [top.htm] Why is Beijing so Afraid??? A year after mounting the biggest protests in Beijing since Tiananmen Square in 1989, the Falun Gong refuses to fold

  • An all-day series of cat-and-mouse skirmishes spilled across Tiananmen Square in Beijing on April 25, 2000 - the one-year anniversary of huge protests by the since-outlawed group Falun Gong

  • Once again, China was unable to quiet the voice of Falun Gong followers

  • The series of protests, clearly organized in advance, reiterated what many have been murmuring for months in official circles: Beijing's hard-headed approach is not winning the year-long battle with the pesky Falun Gong

  • The Falun Gong was outlawed last July

  • Yet, despite mass arrests, long sentences in labor camps administered without trial, and other harsh measures that have earned China fresh-new condemnation by human rights groups worldwide - as well as providing new ammunition for foes opposing the country's entry to the World Trade Organization in America - Beijing has been unable to crush the Falun Gong

  • The official China Daily ran editorials every day last week, linking the Falun Gong to all of China's perceived enemies, from human-rights groups at the United Nations to arch-enemy, the Dalai Lama

    Falun Gong at Heidelberg
    Falun Gong at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Leiden University.

    Falun Gong Informationscenter
    Information om Falun Gong och brotten mot mänskliga rättigheter i Kina.

    Falun Dafa at Stanford
    Falun Dafa in Northern California.

    Falun Dafa Volunteers Contact List world around.
    Need assistance? Contact a volunteer practitioner near you.

    Falun Gong - Wikipedia
    Enzyklopädieeintrag mit unabhängigen Informationen zu der Bewegung und weiterführenden

  • Emblem von Falun Gong Falun Gong (法轮功, auch 法轮大法 Falun Dafa ) ist eine aus China stammende auf der Basis von

  • Falun Gong wurde erstmals in der in der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und hat sich seitdem weltweit verbreitet

  • Falun Gong wurde im Westen hauptsächlich durch das Verbot 1999 in China und die darauffolgende staatliche Verfolgung bekannt

  • Inhaltsverzeichnis [] Einleitung Anhänger praktizieren die Falun-Gong-Übungen Der Name 'Falun Gong' setzt sich aus 'Falun' (= 'Rad des Gesetzes') und '' (traditionelle chinesische Übungen zur Kultivierung von Körper und Geist) zusammen

  • gilt als der Gründer von Falun Gong, er stellte 1992 die Technik der Öffentlichkeit vor

  • Basis von Falun Gong ist das Buch, welches von verfasst und veröffentlicht wurde

  • Daneben hat Li noch über 20 weitere Bücher über Falun Gong geschrieben

  • Wichtig für die Falun Gong Treibenden ist neben dem Hauptwerk Zhuan Falun eine Sammlung kurzer Artikel, die in Chinesisch ursprünglich in Gedichtform geschrieben waren und die ebenfalls zur moralischen Anleitung dienen


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