Iron: Minerals and Electrolytes: Merck Manual Home Edition
Explain why iron is important to hemaglobin, the two types found in food, and
absorption information. Includes problems associated with deficiency, ...

  • Recent Searches In This Topic Section Subject Topics · · · · · · · · · · · Iron Pronunciations Much of the iron in the body occurs in hemoglobin

  • Iron is an important component of hemoglobin and muscle cells

  • Iron is also necessary for the formation of many enzymes in the body

  • The body recycles iron: When red blood cells die, the iron in them is returned to the bone marrow to be used again in new red blood cells

  • A small amount of iron is lost each day, mainly in cells shed from the lining of the intestine

  • This amount is usually replaced by the 1 to 2 milligrams of iron absorbed from food each day

  • Food contains two types of iron: heme iron (found in animal products) and nonheme iron (found in most foods and in iron supplements)

  • Nonheme iron accounts for more than 85% of iron in the average diet

  • However, less than 20% of nonheme iron that is consumed is absorbed into the body

  • Nonheme iron is absorbed better when it is consumed with animal protein and with vitamin C

    Australian Iron Status
    Provides extensive information concerning irons role in diet, food sources, body
    functions, and necessity.

    Iron & Anemia - Ask the Dietitian
    Answers questions commonly asked about iron and role it has in consumer diet.

  • Iron & Anemia I am a 33 year old married mother of one

  • The iron level was so low that the doctor asked if I ate or craved anything unusual

  • The doctor explained that this was a pica and I should stop chewing the ice because it was effecting my body's ability to absorb iron

  • You have iron deficiency anemia and need to take iron supplements with to remedy the anemia which is causing the pica (eating ice and paper)

  • Your body is telling you need iron

  • The paper and ice eating will stop when your iron levels near normal, which is 13 to 15 for menstruating females

  • Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy? I currently take slow-Fe (iron) and a multivitamin, but find that at the end of the day I am exhausted

  • Since you are taking iron, I wonder if you are anemic? If so, you may need time before your lack of energy improves

  • Iron is necessary to the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells

  • When iron levels in hemoglobin get low, a person feels tired and lacks energy to do every day tasks due to lack of oxygen delivery to organs and tissues

    Veg*n - Ask the Dietitian
    Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor, about transition -
    it's more than eating fruits and vegetables.

  • Am I correct? Are you aware of the latest findings concerning ? That too much iron is a cardiac risk factor? Yet you are advising people to eat meat to get enough iron

  • The problem is more with iron fortification of foods than how much meat people eat

  • Check out some of iron fortified foods

  • Do you eat more than one serving of a food per day that provides 100% of your iron requirement? Studies of heart disease point to many risk factors, not just meat consumption

  • Dairy - consuming vegetarians commonly develop deficiency because of multiple effects of milk on iron metabolism

  • Plants are loaded with and people on plant based diets, like the Chinese, have iron intakes that exceed Americans - furthermore, the iron is well absorbed and utilized; so that iron deficiency anemia is rare in pure vegetarians

  • Dairy-consuming vegetarians commonly develop iron deficiency because of multiple effects of on iron metabolism

  • The form of in plant materials is nonheme (2%) which is not as absorbable as heme iron (23%) found in meat

  • There are other factors such as cast iron cookware and the presence of foods high in that increase iron absorption


    Photo by

    Redirect Page - Forging Effective Strategies to Combat Iron Deficiency
    Overview of the causes of Anemia together with downloadable recommendations on
    how to prevent it.

    Redirect Page - Forging Effective Strategies to Combat Iron Deficiency
    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide reviewed information
    on hemochromatosis, including screening, information for patients, ...

    Beating Iron Deficiency
    Linking people and programs with resources and information to help combat iron
    deficiency worldwide.

    Iron information page. All about iron and the role it plays in ...
    Includes list of functions, food sources, and recommended dosage.

  • dietary trace element information page Iron is an essential element carrying oxygen, forming part of the oxygen-carrying proteins - hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscles

  • Iron is required for The production of hemoglobin and myoglobin (the form of hemoglobin found in muscle tissue) requires this nutrient

  • Deficiency of iron Severe iron deficiency results in anemia, and red blood cells that have a low hemoglobin concentration

  • In young children, iron deficiency can manifest in behavioral abnormalities (including reduced attention), reduced cognitive performance and slow growth

  • In adults, severe iron deficiency anemia impairs physical work capacity

  • Symptoms of iron deficiency may include fatigue, poor stamina, intestinal bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding, nervousness, heart palpitations and shortness of breath

  • Toxicity and symptoms of high intake High iron content in the body has been linked to cancer and heart disease

  • People of European origin, sometimes have a genetic abnormality for storing excessive iron (1:300) where ten percent of these populations carry a gene for hemochromatosis

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Iron in diet
    Provides recommended intake, deficiency symptoms, food sources, and functions.

  • Medical Encyclopedia Other encyclopedia topics: Iron in diet Contents of this page: Alternative names Diet - iron Definition Iron is a trace mineral found in every cell of the body

  • Iron is an essential mineral for humans because it is part of blood cells

  • Function Iron is part of in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscles

  • Iron also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body

  • Food Sources The best sources of iron include: Oysters Liver Lean red meat (especially beef) Poultry, dark red meat Tuna Salmon Iron-fortified cereals Dried beans Whole grains Eggs (especially egg yolks) Dried fruits Reasonable amounts of iron are also found in lamb, pork, and shellfish

  • Iron from vegetables, fruits, grains, and supplements is harder for the body to absorb

  • These sources include: Whole grains wheat millet oats brown rice Legumes lima beans soybeans dried beans and peas kidney beans Seeds almonds Brazil nuts Dried fruits prunes raisins apricots Vegetables broccoli spinach kale collards asparagus dandelion greens If you mix some lean meat, fish, or poultry with beans or dark leafy greens at a meal, you can improve absorption of vegetable sources of iron up to three times

    Iron Chlorosis, HYG-1009-88
    Explains how to detect and combat iron deficiency in plants.

  • Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet Horticulture and Crop Science 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210-1086 Iron Chlorosis HYG-1009-88 Elton M

  • Smith Iron is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color in plants and is the source of plant food and energy

  • When the amount of iron available to plants is inadequate for normal growth, leaves become pale green, yellow or white and eventually brown, particularly between the veins

  • Severely affected plants fail to grow flower or fruit and may even die from lack of iron

  • Iron chlorosis occurs most often in pin oak, white oak, white pine, magnolia, holly, sweet gum, dogwood, azalea and rhododendron

  • Iron chlorosis may occur as a result of one or a combination of causes

  • The condition is often due to high pH, which makes it possible for other elements to interfere with the absorption of iron, rather than to a lack of iron in the soil

  • Chlorosis may be caused by an actual deficiency of iron or by application of excessive amounts of lime or phosphate to certain soils

  • This will reveal if elements are deficient or in excess and, therefore, interfering with iron uptake

    Explains functions in human body, food sources, importance of including in diet,
    and suggested intake.

  • Iron Iron This is one in a series of fact sheets containing information to help you select foods that provide adequate daily amounts of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber as you follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

  • The Guidelines are - Eat a Variety of Foods Maintain Desirable Weight Avoid Too Much Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol Eat Foods with Adequate Starch and Fiber Avoid Too Much Sugar Avoid Too Much Sodium If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So in Moderation WHAT IS MEANT BY A GOOD FOOD SOURCE? A good food source of iron contains a substantial amount of iron in relation to its calorie content and contributes at least 10 percent of the U.S

  • RDA) for iron in a selected serving size

  • RDA for iron is 18 milligrams per day

  • RDA for iron is the amount of the mineral used as a standard in nutrition labeling of foods

  • As you can see, in 1985 and 1986, 43 percent of the iron in the diets of women was contributed by grain products and 26 percent was supplied by meat, poultry, and fish

  • Foods that contain small amounts of iron but are not considered good sources can contribute significant amounts of iron to an individual's diet if these goods are eaten often or in large amounts

    Anemia Symptoms Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Research ...
    Offers research information about anemia associated with end stage renal disease,
    chronic kidney disease, cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and ...


    Women's Health: Anemia - American Institute for Preventive ...
    An overview of the condition together with self help diagnosis.

  • There are several types of anemia: Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common one

  • In the United States, 20 percent of all women of childbearing age have iron-deficiency anemia, compared to only 2 percent of adult men

  • But eating too few iron-rich foods or not absorbing enough iron can make the problem worse

  • The recommended daily allowance for iron ranges from 6 milligrams for infants, to 30 milligrams for pregnant women

  • Yet one government source found that females between 12 and 50 years old (those at highest risk for iron-deficiency anemia), get about half of what they need

  • Pregnancy, breast-feeding and blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract, either due to ulcers or cancer, can also deplete iron stores

  • Older women who have poor diets, especially when they live alone, often have iron-deficiency anemia

  • If it’s due to a poor diet, you’re in luck: Iron deficiency anemia is not only the most common form of anemia, it’s the easiest to correct if it’s due to heavy periods or taking in inadequate amounts of certain foods

  • Do you have blood in your stools or urine or have black, tar-like stools? Are you dizzy when you stand up or when you exert yourself? Do You: Have menstrual bleeding between periods? Have heavy menstrual bleeding for several months? Normally bleed seven days or more every month? Suspect that you are pregnant? Do you have ringing in your ears? Do symptoms of anemia, i.e., tiredness and weakness, go on for at least two weeks despite using self-care procedures (listed below) ? Self-Care Procedures for Iron-Deficiency Anemia You may need to: Eat more foods that are good sources of iron

    Introduction to anaemia, causes and different types.

  • Diet low in iron

  • What are the different types of anaemia? The main types of anaemia are caused by shortages of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, all of which are needed (among other things) to produce red blood cells, so if one or more of these are missing or running low then anaemia will develop

  • Iron deficiency anaemia The most common type of anaemia is iron deficiency anaemia, which basically means the body is running low on iron

  • The body needs iron to successfully produce haemoglobin the substance that carries oxygen throughout the body

  • The main reason why people may have a shortage of iron is because the body is losing blood faster than the body can remake it

  • In women the most common reason for iron deficiency is menstrual bleeding (periods)

  • Another possible reason for a shortage of iron is diet, which is low in iron

  • Good sources of iron include fruit, dark green vegetables, wholemeal bread, fortified breakfast cereals, beans and meat

  • Is there anything I can do to avoid becoming anaemic? To avoid getting anaemia you should stick to a and ensure you eat food that contains good sources of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12

    Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University
    Discussion of function, deficiency, disease prevention, disease treatment, food
    sources, supplements, new research, and recommendations from the Linus Pauling ...

  • Additionally, vitamin A appears to facilitate the mobilization of iron from storage sites to the developing red blood cell for incorporation into, the oxygen carrier in red blood cells (2, 7)

  • Iron Vitamin A deficiency may exacerbate deficiency

  • Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to have beneficial effects on iron deficiency anemia and improve iron nutritional status among children and pregnant women

  • The combination of vitamin A and iron seems to reduce anemia more effectively than either iron or vitamin A alone

    Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University
    Discussion of function, deficiency, disease prevention, disease treatment, food
    sources, supplements, research, and recommendations from the Linus Pauling ...

  • Iron Supplemental (38-65 mg/day of elemental iron) but not dietary levels of iron may decrease zinc absorption

  • This interaction is of concern in the management of iron supplementation during pregnancy and lactation and has led some experts to recommend zinc supplementation for pregnant and lactating women taking more than 60 mg/day of elemental iron

  • The therapeutic use of metal chelating (binding) agents like penicillamine (used to treat copper overload in Wilson's disease) and diethylenetriamine pentaacetate or DTPA (used to treat iron overload) has resulted in severe zinc deficiency

    Ferrlecit Consumer Information
    Patient FAQ in html format with a link to approved labeling in pdf format.

  • What is Ferrlecit used for? Ferrlecit is used to treat iron deficiency anemia in patients on chronic hemodialysis who are receiving treatment to stimulate the production of red blood cells

  • Who should not be treated with Ferrlecit? You should not be given Ferrlecit if you have an anemia that is not related to iron deficiency, or if you have iron overload

  • Special Warnings with Ferrlecit: Immediate allergic reactions to intravenous iron carbohydrate complexes can cause death

  • General Precautions with Ferrlecit: Iron is not easily eliminated from the body, and its build up can be toxic

  • Certain medical conditions may make you more likely to develop iron overload

    Eating & Nutrition Information -
    Various articles by Dr. Greene that discuss nutrition and feeding issues from
    infants to teens.

    Sports Nutrition for Vegetarian Athletes
    An article outlining the vegetarian athlete's energy, protein, mineral and vitamin
    needs. Also contains meal suggestions.

  • The vegetarian diet may lack adequate energy, protein, calcium, zinc, iron, B6, and B12

  • Food Calcium mg Bok choy 1/2 cup (c) 79 Broccoli 1/2 c 36 Kale 1/2 c 90 Chick peas 1/2 c 40 Soybeans 1/2 c 86 Tempeh 1/2 c 85 Tofu calcium set 1/2 c 258 Almonds 1/2 c 94 Tahini 2 tablespoons (tbsp) 128 Blackstrap molasses 2 tbsp 274 soymilk – fortified 1 c 200-500 Milk – all varieties 1 c 300 Yogurt 1 c 400 Iron All athletes, especially female athletes are at risk of iron deficiency

  • Iron loss is increased during heavy training

  • Iron is an essential part of red blood cells that helps transport oxygen to your muscles

  • Vegetarian sources of iron are less well absorbed than meat sources

  • Therefore, it is important to look for grains and cereals that have been fortified with iron

  • Vitamin C significantly improves iron absorption; a diet high in fruits and vegetables or simply taking a vitamin C supplement with meals may help

  • Cooking in cast iron pots may also help increase the iron content of foods

  • Eighteen mg of iron per day should be the goal for the female vegetarian athlete

  • Food Iron mg Soybeans 1/2 c 2.7 Lentils 1/2 c 1.6 Oatmeal 1 c 1.7 Broccoli 1 c Sunflower seeds 1 ounces (oz) 1.4 Almond 1oz 2.2 Prunes 5 1.3 Dates 5 1.7 Egg 1 1.5 Blackstrap molasses 2 tbsp .7 Zinc 6 Low Zinc levels have been reported in athletes with heavy training

    Reference Guide For MINERALS
    Gives an overview and information on a variety of minerals and trace minerals.

  • IRON IMPORTANCE: Its major function is to combine with protein and copper in making hemoglobin

  • Iron builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease

  • Iron also prevent fatigue and promotes good skin tone

  • COPPER IMPORTANCE: Necessary for the absorption & utilization of Iron; helps oxidize Vitamin C and works with Vitamin C to form Elastin, a chief component of the Elastin muscle fibers throughout the body; aids in the formation of red blood cells; helps proper bone formation & maintenance


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